mercredi 15 octobre 2014

Several Foods That Burn Fat

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Expert Author Tim Lazaro

Do fat burning foods really exist? The answer is yes. When fat burning is the ultimate goal a diet low in carbohydrates high in lean proteins and fruit and vegetables, especially fibrous ones should be adhered to. Essential fats should be taken in the form of virgin olive oil and oily nuts such as almonds or walnuts.

Fat Burn Food

If carbohydrates cannot be avoided then they should be baked or steamed instead of fried. They should also not have the presence or oils or fats in them such as butter. Burning fat does not need one to go on a starvation diet; in fact the opposite is true. The aim is to eat a large amount of fruits and vegetables interlaced with low calorie proteins, carbohydrates and essential fats.

The best vegetables for fat burning consist of the leafy green varieties as well as red peppers, onions and tomatoes. Fibrous fruits are best found in bananas, apples, grapes, pineapples and strawberries.

Grapefruit especially due to its ability to flush out toxins and chemicals from our body. Removing toxins lowers our pH level which encourages the body to release unwanted fat.

Carbohydrates should take the form of whole grains and beans as well as oatmeal and whole-wheat pasta or breads and multi-grain cereals. Low calorie proteins are found in foods such as turkey, chicken, salmon and lean beef or mutton. Egg whites, reduced milks, yogurt and cheeses are also rated as good fat burning foods.

When put together these foods can help create a healthy eating program while burning fat and building lean muscles.


The calcium is perhaps one of the best foods responsible for fat burning, especially the dangerous belly fat. Eating three servings per day is able to provide a yield of around 60% fat loss when compared to those who do not eat it. The best sources come from dairy products such as cheese, milk and low fat yogurt. For those who are lactose intolerant calcium can be found in vegetables such as broccoli, turnip greens, collard, soymilk, tofu and also fortified orange juice.

Fat burning Herbs

Herbs can play a vital role in burning fat as it takes more calories to digest than what they actually contain. While herbs cannot on their own burn fat, they play an important role in speeding up the metabolism which removes fat.

Bitter orange in particular provides high levels of energy and fat burning properties. Regular intake can permanently increase metabolism which in turn burns calories and fats. It contains Synephrine which helps to not only suppress appetite but also stimulates the adrenal gland which in turn encourages fat removal.

More commonly known herbs that are able to promote fat burning are ginger, dandelions, cayenne and flax seed. Ginger works on fat removal as it uses body heat to burn fat.

Dandelions release an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates. While not strictly a fat burning herb dandelions prevent carbohydrates turning into fat in the body. Cayenne stimulates the metabolism and speeds up digestion. Flax seed is rich in Omega-3. Omega-3 contains essential fatty acids which keep the metabolism running at its correct speed.

Red Meats

Red meats that come from animals who feed on their natural diet of grasses are best for fat burning. Those fed on corn or grains for instance contain too much omega-6 fatty acids and too little omega-3 the result is that they will promote fat storage.

Meat from grass fed animals in comparison contains the right amount of omega-3 as well as high levels of vitamin E. This meat also contains high levels of linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is a special type of healthy fat that is known for its fat burning properties and for its ability to build lean muscle.

Tim Lazaro is a Fat Burning Nutrition enthusiast. Visit List of Fat Burning Foods for more expert advice on food that burn fat [], fat burning exercises, super foods, and other tips you can use right now to burn off fat and keep it off.

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