mercredi 15 octobre 2014

How to Burn Fat Over Sugar Through the Power of Core-Breathing While Working Out at the Gym

                                                There is a key component in your working out at the gym that affects your body to choose to burn fat or sugar as you are working out. The body gets energy in two forms one is sugar and the other is fat, to be burned during your work out and how the body picks and develops that choice will be base on how you breathe during your work out. If one of the main reasons you go to the gym is to burn fat and physical endurance an understanding of the process will aid you in your goals for having clarity will refines your abilities. The body draws from to sources energy fat or sugar, that is in your body or stored in the body.

Each source creates a different affect during the work out that creates an effect on your ability to work out in the form of endurance. Burning fat gives the greatest affect for endurance and emotional feeling that you just can keep moving and doing. Fat is stored energy and once you tap into the process of burning fat you just can keep moving and feeling strong. Sugar gives the body fast energy for it process fast and simple but it short on endurance ability for sugar is not stored. Understanding how the two type of energy sources the body uses to burn during work out creates choices and creativeness within the work out and less boredom during work out. Part of boredom during work out is not taping into the most affective energy source to be burned during your work out, for it creates sense of being tired and not feeling your strength. NOTE; check out your breathing pattern and feeling when your bored while you are working out and your stress in your shoulders and what is your mind thinking about.

What determines your body to burn fat or sugar is how you create your breathing pattern and how you create breath physically during your work out for more oxygen in your system actives enzymes in the big muscles of the core to burn fat. What area of the body that holds the largest group of muscle is the core area and that same area holds the largest amount of fat. The power of core/breathing for exercise to burn fat engages both the core movement that affects inhalation and exhalation so the whole core is being used through movement of the muscles. Example is how you are breathing affecting the core area is when you inhale and exhale out your mouth the core is not engaged for it works the upper body. By working the power of core/breathing the whole torso is being used thereby muscles are moving and that is toning affect on muscles so the mind has ability to connect to muscles.

What is the greatest resistance to person using the core and their breathing ability is stress in shoulders and tension in the body muscles. The greater the stress in shoulders the less connection person has to their core muscles ability to move them to affect breathing which affects person emotional connection to the body.

There is direct relationship between core movement and shoulders being tight from emotional thoughts that form stress. The more person engages core muscles to start and end their inhalation and exhalation the less stress in shoulders can exist which lets person feel their strength. When the core/breathing is not done your strength is gone and when person starts to breath totally out the mouth you have lost their strength physically and emotionally weaker to direct muscle action. Lowering your shoulder stress before you even start your work out will let person become emotionally and physically engage in the work out faster with more fat burning time during the work out and boredom will not be part of the workout. Boredom is the mental disengagement of what you are doing at the gym physically.

Core/Breathing connection greatly increases the ability to bring in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The key, during exercise, is to breathe with the core muscle area in a certain way that will reduce stress in shoulders thereby enhancing breath range ability.

Training yourself to burn fat while exercising at the gym is a choice if you have the method to execute. It starts with developing the breath and an understanding of the need to breathe before, during and after the gym to gain the most from being at the gym. Getting the body to burn fat is affected by how you create and develop your inhalation and exhalation and by using the core area to start and end the breath range. To have the maximum breath, you must breathe through the nostrils to form strongest core/breathing connection in the workout at the gym. Oxygen levels in the body determine the body choice to burn fat over sugar during physical exercises. Using the core area does three things: one it engages large muscle groups to burn the fat while working out and tones the core muscles. Second lets you have full inhalation and exhalation which affects person endurance ability. The third part is shoulders to be relaxed and less tension in muscles throughout the body so they can be used during the work out far more dynamic. To active the enzymes that burn fat in the core area the muscles have to be moved with a level of oxygen in your system. The body can always go to sugar as source for energy to move muscles but it short lived. The choice is using the whole body during your exercises to first to tone muscles then strength them.

The mistakes people do while they are working out is drinking fluids that have sugar to keep their energy up during the work out that prevents the body from learning to burn fat. The body will burn the sugar and not fat then for the body has to learn and develop its fat burning abilities. Eating protein after you work out and greens, lots of greens before and after work out with lemon mixed in water. Lemon and water mixed is a great work out drink. Keep in mind their are all types of lemons, so picking a good tasting lemon creates a more enjoyable affect. NO fruit drinks after work out they have to much sugar so fat will not continue being burned. You really do not need fruit but water and meat and greens then later on fruit. To burn fat is not about over working out but having a method with working out to burn fat and that is to create endurance and then strength under the direction of the mind to setup and manage breathing and core action within each exercise. To burn fat is about learning to engage the muscle groups that burn fat while at the gym and use them as the primary strength source in exercises.

The body will turn on a dime to burn sugar over fat once the oxygen level drops below a point that is determined by how you breathe during your workout because of not engaging the core area movement which stops the enzymes burn fat. Understanding how to use your core/breathing connection during a
workout to affect your oxygen level takes time and mental realization of muscle feeling and changing the stress in shoulders. Fat and sugar are two different types of fuel for the body to burn. Sugar takes less oxygen to start its burning ability and has the affect of lowering endurance within your workout. In highly physical sports, once a person starts breathing out from the mouth, their ability to have endurance goes way down. When the body burns fat, it has more energy to keep moving for fat holds lot of energy to be burned up during workout. Fat is the source of long term energy in exercises and creating method to tap into that source of energy. Your choice is to train the body to burn fat through core/breathing action within each exercise, or to burn sugar.

What determines if the body burns fat over sugar is having the core muscles start the inhalation. It has to come through the nose otherwise your core is weaker in action and you will not bring in as much oxygen.

This holds true for exhalation through the nose for it affects the core area in strength releasing the carbon dioxide out of the body so you can get a complete transfer from oxygen to carbon dioxide. How you breathe through your nostrils affects so many functions of the body it is art unto itself.

Simply put, the body needs two things to exist, one is air and the other is what you put in your mouth. How you breathe has an affect on you and what you put in your mouth has an affect on you physically and mentally. Once the body has changed these two components into energy for the body and mind, it starts to get more intricate. It can be helpful for understanding the two basic parts that keep us alive and well.

Here are some tips if you choose to burn fat while at the gym. There are three stages of the core/breathing relationship. An active connection should be developed to create the best period of time to burn off fat while at the gym. The first stage is pre-workout core/breathing action, which is done to increase the level of oxygen in the body and lessen stress in shoulders and connect to the core to form breath and strength action for they go together. Moving the core area to create breathing lets the mind connect to the source of your strength in a more dynamic way.

Here is simple rule: the more you move and use the core area as part of creating your breathing action, the less stress can exist in the shoulders and the rest of the body muscles. It's a very mechanical cause and effect and the mind directs it. Pre-workout breathing and core action training is about 20 minutes, give or take, to bring the oxygen level up and get core muscles ready for the workout at the gym. The older you are the longer pre-workout of the core breathing action helps bring about the fat burning ability of the body.

Stage two is using the breathing from the core during the work out and not using the mouth for inhalation and exhalation. What makes it different is not having stressed or tight shoulders during workout and being engaged with the core during each exercise. Here is a key idea: You should exhale lot longer than you inhale during the work out or any hard physical action. This process engages the fat burning ability of the body.

It's short inhale and long exhale and now here is the part that affects everything in performance and in life. Stress in the shoulders lessens core movement and strength. You cannot create range of movement in the core area and breath range if the shoulders are tight. That is just a fact of life. If the shoulders are holding stress by being up around your ears, your breathing range is short. The rule is this: if the shoulders are tight the breath is short and the core is weak. Changing the level of tightness in the shoulders before a workout increases breathing range during your workout and increases the ability of burning fat over sugar.
It is so important to change the stress in your shoulders before working out so you can have the best range of breath to have the best physical movement. Using the core area, and not the shoulders, while doing exercises will give the best effect.
If you choose to burn fat at the gym the mind has to be engaged with what your doing so it can affect breath action and direct muscle action to create internal experiences. Reading while engaging in physical activity is not fat burning; it is breathing and changing stress in the shoulders and relaxing. Reading is good, and it has it's place, but reading while working out does not allow your mind to fully engage in the muscle action.

Stage three POST-WORK OUT BREATH DEVELOPMENT: If you want fat to be burned after a workout, controlling your breathing and creating the full inhalation and exhalation with the core and nostrils is essential. Keeping the oxygen level up so the body can burn fat through continued deep movement of the core/breath connection is a must. But make the choice with understanding. The goal here is keeping the oxygen level up and the shoulder stress down so you can continue burning fat. Not speaking right after a workout and focusing on long exhales by pulling in the belly button and full inhales makes for a much more dynamic workout if the goal is to burn fat.

This program takes an energy point of view (breath development within movement of the core) about burning fat. To have a full range of choices one has to look also at the mental and the physical view points to cover the full range of possibilities for burning fat and enjoying the workout at your gym. This program is directly connected with ideas about how energy works through the core/breath connection, and in conjunction with the mind/body connection while working out at the gym.

Go to for walking ideas for core/breath understanding and doing.

After almost 30 years of learning a Korean form of Qi Gong and finding ways to incorporate the training in everyday life the benefits of the underlining ideas behind its breathing action an core usage and movement of the hands and feet in conjunction with the head. Its about the core/breath connection I have put together and if you go the web site "" you can get more information about how basic things from the core action can affect so much in movement of the body.

I have Westernized its understanding in mechanically thinking way. The walking part is about changing ones stress in shoulders and reshaping the body while one is walking to influence how one feels about life and their emotional reality. I develop this out of teaching at drug rehab center in San Diego called CRASH. The program comes from having 30 to 50 guys in one room in different stages of recovery every Monday for 6 years. I have saying "Change your stress you change your emotional reality". If you can not change your stress you can not change your emotions. Stress is real (on energy level) and it starts in the shoulders and it also make the core weak. This is ONLY energy point of view and has to be also in conjunction with mental and physical points of view to create the most affective ideas and ability for the person to enjoy what they are doing in life and be the most positive person they can be.
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