mercredi 15 octobre 2014

A Proven Program to Burn Fat


So you want a program to burn fat? Don't we all! It's not easy to burn fat, despite what 'they' will tell you. The 'get fit quick' crowd, the diet pill lovers and the like that is. They all seem to have the one and only 'secret' program, formula or method for burning fat. By the time you reach the end of this article you'll be laughing at them.
You see, I'm about to show you a proven program for fat burning, which actually works and gets results. So let's get to it...
Before I begin I want to clarify one point. What does program really mean? A lot of people seem to think that a fat loss or fitness program is some sort of 'secret formula' for success. It's not. According to, the word "program" has a few meanings, most importantly these two:
"a plan of action to accomplish a specified end. E.g. a weight loss program."
"a plan or schedule of activities, procedures, etc., to be followed." E.g. Eating guidelines, training routines, etc.

So a proper program designed to burn fat and lose weight, needs to have elements that fulfil both criteria.
You need to have a specific end result in mind. For example, burn 10 pounds of fat in 5 weeks. It's your goal. So set a target that you want to achieve. Be realistic, 2 pounds of fat per week, maximum.

Once you've got your goal, you need a specific plan of action to take you there. This is where your schedule of planned activities and procedures comes in to play. These are the action steps that are going to take you to your end result - your goal.

If you want to stand a chance of hitting your goal, there are 3 critical "components" that you must include in your fat burning program.
Let me explain.

On their own, doing or following each component is great. You'll probably see small changes and improvements to your health and figure. Doing 2 together is even better, most people can't get one right. But it's when you combine ALL 3 components together that you achieve massive leverage and serious results.

Now amazingly enough you'll have heard of all these 3 components. There's no secrets. But the big secret is that they work incredibly well, but most people are two lazy to do them. So when you combine all three together you immediately get an unfair advantage over all your friends who might also be trying to burn fat.
Here's the details:

You need great nutrition if you want to have a great body. If you don't have the will power to shun the bad choices, the fast food, and the sugary drinks you won't get a fit body. It's as simple as that. Think about it. If you want to drive from New York to L.A., you don't go via London. It's the same with weight loss, if you want to lose weight you don't eat foods that will take you off course.

So burning fat starts with nutrition. Eating healthy foods, in the right proportions, at the right times. It's not difficult once you know what you're doing, but you do need will power to stay away from the 'bad' food groups.

Here's a quick run down on the foods to avoid. Fast foods, e.g. Burgers, fries, deep fried chicken and any other fast food offerings. Sugary drinks and alcohol, e.g. Carbonated drinks such as cola, milkshakes, and beer. Pre-processed foods - you never really know what's in them. Foods high in saturated fat, check the labels if you're unsure.

So what are the foods you should be eating? Easy. Any and all fruits, vegetables pluses and lean meats. You won't get fat eating your greens! Eat a balanced diet including carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Monitor your daily calorie intake and make sure it doesn't exceed the recommended daily amount. If you need to snack, reach for a banana or apple. Try splitting your meals into 6 smaller ones, and eat them evenly throughout the day, it'll keep you feeling full for longer and stop you snacking.

The second stage in a successful fat burning program is to do cardiovascular exercise. Yeah, I know nobody likes to have to work hard. But the fat of the matter is, you have to do some form of aerobic exercise to burn calories. The great thing is there are loads of options. Many are fun! For example, squash, running, swimming, cycling, rock climbing and boxing are all extremely effective at burning calories. If you're short on time, try high intensity interval training, it's seriously hard work, but you can cut in half your workout time.

The final component is resistance or weight training. Whether you are man or a women, if you want to burn fat, tone up and get in shape you need to include this component in your program. Weight or resistance training burns calories, strengthens your muscles and raises your metabolism so you burn even more calories.

You don't have to lift heavy weights, in fact you can just your own body weight, you won't build big muscles unless you train specifically to do so. When you're starting out, just focus on lifting low weights, but do many repetitions, this will help you grow strong, lean muscles that look great. If you want to bulk up and get big, you lift heavy weights and do few reps. It's simple.

When you combine all three components together you leverage the power of each. So you get more noticeable results, faster. Get yourself a personal trainer who can craft you your own personalised program with all these elements involved and get on the fast track to a healthier, fitter more attractive body.
New Free Report - "The Truth About Burning Fat Quickly And Easily". To get access now, for free visit:

How To Burn Fat
About The Author:

Ian Jones has helped people worldwide burn fat and get in better shape. He is the author and publisher of the popular fat burning website, which cuts through the myths and fallacies found in the weight loss industry.

"If you are fed up with the same old hype, exaggerations and B.S. and want to get into 'movie star shape', Ian is your man."
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