mercredi 15 octobre 2014

Exercise to Burn Fat

                       One question that comes up often when discussing weight loss and exercise is "what is the best exercise to burn fat"?

There are many experts and websites that will offer different answers to this question. Some say that low to moderate aerobic exercises are best for burning fat while others state high intensity aerobic workouts are best. Still others will focus only on strength training as their fat burning secret.

Truth is all are correct to some extent. To burn fat effectively, you need to include both aerobic exercises as well as strength training. Your aerobic exercises will give you the benefit of fat calories burned during exercise while the strength training will give you the benefit of increasing your basal metabolic rate (BMR) by building lean muscle mass.

So to effectively answer the one question of "what is the best exercise to burn fat? It really should be reworded into 2 questions. 1) What is the best aerobic exercise to burn fat and 2) what is the best strength training exercise to burn fat.

Let's address the first of these two questions. Any aerobic exercise that gets your heart pumping within your target heart rate zone will be an effective fat burning exercise. The controversy amongst the experts is not about which aerobic exercise to do, but at what intensity level.

Although low to moderate aerobic exercises burns about 60% of fat, while the high intense workout only burns 35% of fat, high intense workouts will burn more overall calories. This could equate to a higher number of fat calories burned depending on the duration of the high intense workout.

For example, if a woman weighing 145 lbs walked briskly for 30 minutes at 3 mph, she would have burned approximately 100 calories overall and 60 fat calories. However, if this same woman ran at 5 mph for 30 minutes, she would have burned approximately 264 calories and at 35% fat burn, this would equate to 92 fat calories. So, you can see that she burned more fat calories with the high intense aerobic workout.

The problem is in trying to keep up this high intensity for the full duration in order to receive this fat burning benefit. Therefore, for some people, selecting a low to moderate aerobic exercise routine for a longer duration, 45 to 60 minutes, may be their best aerobic exercise to burn fat. Increasing the duration of a low to moderate aerobic workout will increase the overall calories burned as well as the total fat calories burned during exercise.

Now to address what is the best strength training exercise for burning fat. Well, most experts will agree that weight lifting is the most effective in building lean muscle mass. The more lean muscles you have, the higher your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This is the rate at which you burn calories while at total rest.

Although the experts agree weight lifting is the most effective, it is not the only way that you can build lean muscles. Strength training is really about introducing resistance to your muscles in order to tone and build lean muscle mass.

Any strength training that uses resistance will be effective. So, if you do not have access to weight lifting equipment, try using resistance bands or dumbbells as an alternative. These inexpensive and convenient alternatives to weight lifting will help you develop a perfect strength training routine.

An effective aerobic exercise + an effective strength training = The best fat burning exercise.

For more exercise and weight loss tips, visit

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