mercredi 15 octobre 2014

Burn Fat Fast - Two-Part Formula Revealed to Help You Burn Fat

              A magical pill to burn fat does not exist.  Of course, we want the easy way out of our overweight situation.  And every company in the diet industry claims to have the program that will help you burn fat fast.  Their spokesmodels look amazing but they only tell you about the diet plan they followed, what about all the training and working out?  Be honest with yourself.  Do you really think they are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth?  Read the fine print at the bottom of the advertisement that says, "results not typical."

So what is the answer to losing the weight you want and looking your best?  The truth is that is takes hard work and discipline to burn fat.  You can use this two-part program to help you lose weight.  And while it is not a magic pill, it is a scientific and proven approach that is the fastest way to lose fat quickly.

Before we reveal the formula, you need to understand how your body works.  Your body stores excess calories as fat.  So, in essence if you want to burn fat you have to limit your daily caloric intake to a level low enough that your body begins to use the stored calories for energy.  Most people eat way too many calories on a daily basis and live a pretty sedentary lifestyle.  Additionally, your metabolism or the rate at which your body burns calories for energy slows down with age.

Many young couples say that they gained weight when they got married and they never had a weight problem before.  This is true for a couple of reasons.  First, 20 is the threshold for your metabolism to begin to slow down.  Second, when people get married eating becomes a way to connect and a social event. 

Instead of going for a romantic walk in the park, the newlyweds head for the freezer to get a bowl of ice cream and then to the couch to watch their favorite show.  In order to turn the weight train around and burn fat, this couple will have to change their diet and exercise habits. 
Here is the two-part formula for helping you lose weight quickly:

1.  Diet: Decrease Calories to Burn Fat

To burn fat you need to know how many calories you body needs for daily functioning.  This is called the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).  You can probably find a calculator online to help you do the math here.  But you can follow these simple steps to figure out your own BMR.
  • Use your goal weight (for example, 125 lbs.)
  • Multiply by 11 (women) or 12 (men): (125 X 11 = 1375)
  • Subtract 2% for every ten years after 20 years of age: 1375 - 1(1375 X .02) = 1210
  • Add 10% to account for the calories you burn during regular daily activities: 1210 + 121 = 1331 (This is the minimum daily calorie intake for a female between 30 and 39 years of age.)
Of course if you lead a very active lifestyle then you will need to add in additional values for the amount of calories that your burn during such activities as house cleaning for one hour (180) or running for one hour (800).  But keep in mind that the idea here is to limit caloric intake so that you can burn fat.

With that said, you need to make healthy eating choices so that you will consume enough food to satisfy your appetite and get the vitamins and nutrients necessary.  On the other hand, you also need to incorporate an exercise routine to help you burn fat from calories.

2.  Interval Training: The Best Routine to Burn Fat
While it sounds like something that only professional athletes and body builders might do, this is the most effective cardio exercise that you can do to burn fat.  Interval training is simply alternating high intensity periods of movement with rest or low intensity periods of movement.

To make this even easier, most elliptical and treadmill machines have an interval program that you can choose, built right in. Sadly though, people who are trying to burn fat choose the fat burning program because it sounds like the obvious choice.  While you will burn fat with this program, the amount of fat burned for your efforts will be significantly less than it would with interval training.

Follow a basic interval routine of 85% maximum heart rate for high intensity and 65% maximum heart rate for low intensity.  You will be sweating hard and breathing heavy, but you will burn fat fast.
For more information, click here: Burn Fat Quickly

Chris Jamison writes about life balance in the areas of Health & Fitness, Personal Growth, Financial Freedom, Relationship Advice, and Spirituality and Purpose. Visit Chris' site at Roadmaps To SUCCESS, Your step-by-step guide to life balance.
(c) Roadmaps To SUCCESS LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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