mercredi 15 octobre 2014

Revealed - Tips to Burn Fat Fast

It's a simple fact. Most people get the whole thing totally wrong when they try and lose weight or burn fat.
It's crazy.

You have everyone from professional, intelligent people who have to make multi-million dollar decisions, to your average Jane who works at the local café. Intelligent, capable people, but when it comes to trying to burn fat, common sense and rational thinking go out the window.

People jump to quick fixes, illogical and potentially dangerous solutions. There's none of the research and due diligence involved that would get done if they were buying a car. It doesn't make sense.

You only get one body. Treat it like gold! With that in mind, here's some tried and tested tips for burning fat fast. Yes - I've personally used and tested these. They're not hocus pocus or a quick fix. But they work.
Let's get to it...
"3 Rules To Burn Fat Fast"
Golden Rule #1 - Nutrition Rules. Nutrition is the start and the end of everything when it comes to fat burning and weight loss. No matter how much cardio and weight training you do, if you eat like a devil then you will struggle to get in great shape. If you're not prepared to give up the fast food and the alcohol, don't expect to get rid of the flabby belly.

Golden Rule 2 - Cardio Burns Fat. Cardiovascular training is any aerobic activity that raises your heart rate and gets you breathing heavily. For example, running, swimming and squash are great cardio workouts.

There seems to be some fear of cardio training. Yes it hurts and is tiring, but it's only temporary and it provides great results. Focus on the end results and as Nike say, "Just Do It".

Golden Rule 3 - Weight/Resistance Training Works. The hidden component most people miss. Almost everyone thinks they don't need to hit the weights or do resistance training to burn fat. The fact is, weight/resistance training is great for fat burning and muscle toning. So you get the added benefit of toning up while you burn fat. Weight/resistance training raises your metabolism, burns calories and will help tone up those flabby bits. If you don't want to bulk up, you use light weights and low repetitions, but if you do want to bulk up, lift heavy weight and do less reps.

Include all 3 elements into your training routines and I guarantee you'll burn fat, tone up and be looking great in no time. It's not easy. You'll have to work hard and be persistent, but the long term results are well worth the effort.

As soon as you realise that quick fixes will only set you up for failure and disappointment the sooner you can use a proven system to get the type of results you really want. It doesn't matter if you are young, old, man or women, or haven't exercised for years - with the basic formula I've outlined above you'll get the results you deserve.

If you need to "fill-in" the blanks and need specific advice on each point, get to your local gym and speak to a personal trainer. If you can't afford one, do your research online, there are plenty of tried and tested nutrition and workout programs for you to print out and follow.

New Free Report - "The Truth About Burning Fat Quickly And Easily". To get access now, for free visit: How To Burn Fat
About The Author:

Ian Jones has helped people worldwide burn fat and get in better shape. He is the author and publisher of the popular fat burning website which cuts through the myths and fallacies found in the weight loss industry.

"If you are fed up with the same old hype, exaggerations and B.S. and want to get into 'movie star shape', Ian is your man."
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