mardi 16 février 2016

How Doctors Go About Treating Receding Gums

By Deborah Price

Most people tend only to visit their dentist when they have tooth aches. Sometimes the gum starts to pull away from the tooth exposing the tooth root. Some people do not notice because the process may be gradual. In such cases they will need to consult a dentist to work on treating receding gums because if not treated the teeth and bone structure will be destroyed.

The recession occurs due to a number of factors. One of them is periodontal diseases caused by bacterial infections. It may be genetic, according to studies done thirty percent of the population is prone to gum diseases. Brushing your teeth too aggressively may also irritate the gum and cause the enamel to wear away.

Hormonal changes that occur in women around puberty and pregnancy can trigger the beginning of tooth problems. Nervous habits like grinding the teeth or bruxism, tend to wear down the teeth and the gum as well. In the event that a one is a tobacco user they are more prone to the infection as their teeth may be coated with plaque that is hard to remove.

Visiting a dentist regularly may help note and correct the problem using a simple procedure. This is deep cleaning also called tooth scaling. It is done to remove the buildup of plaque on the teeth and root surfaces the area of the tooth that has been exposed is smoothed so that the bacteria do not have a surface to latch on to . The dentist may prescribe some antibiotics in case of any bacteria that remained after the process.

In cases of severe recession the dentist will consult with a periodontist to determine how best to treat it . Pocket depth reduction is one of procedures used. It aims at reducing or eliminating the depth of the pockets. The affected gum tissue is folded back and cleaned to remove bacteria. It is then reattached to the tooth root.

Another procedure is regeneration where they work to regenerate lost bone and sis conducted when the recession has destroyed has destroyed the bone supporting your teeth. The doctor will fold back the gum and clean for bacteria as in pocket depth reduction. They will then apply a regenerative material such as a membrane or tissue stimulating protein, to encourage your body to naturally regenerate the lost material.

Another procedure used is tissue grafting. If the area around the tooth is not completely affected tissue from that area could be extracted then grafted onto the gum this is a pedicle graft. In other cases the skin on the roof of the mouth can be peeled and some tissue extracted from the bottom of the flap. This tissue is then bound to the affected area in a procedure called connective tissue grafting.

In most cases you can save yourself this trip to the dentist by following some simple things. Brushing using a soft toothbrush and flossing on a daily basis is the most basic of the things you can do to avoid the recession. You can also quit smoking and maintain a healthy diet.

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