mercredi 17 février 2016

Effective Steps Of Healing Periodontal Pocket

By Ronald Morris

Periodontal examinations are very important since they help in assessment of oral health. The dentist will take a measurement of spaces between the teeth and gums in a bid to find out whether there are gum diseases. Such diseases may lead to formation of deeper spaces around the teeth. If untreated, they can lead teeth tooth loss. This is why it is essential to look at methods on healing periodontal pocket.

The initial thing to be done by the dentist is to measure the depth of the pockets. In the event that they are too deep to be cleaned at home, a professional care routine is recommended. The patient will have to make time to visit the medical specialist in due time to prevent permanent teeth or tooth loss.

The deep cleaning process involves literally folding gum tissue and removing bacteria causing gum disease. This procedure is christened scaling and root planning in medical terms. When scaling, the plague and tartar which are deposited on the teeth surface are completely removed. Scaling equipment is used for the process. Root planning is also carried out by the use of planning tools.

In the event that the cases are severe, a surgical operation is carried out. The most basic one performed is called the flap surgery. It involves making a slight incision on the gums and lifting it up. This leaves room for extracting the deposits from beneath. Skin transplants can be done in cases where the gum tissue is badly damaged. A contemporary treatment procedure involves use of a laser. This however, has not been fully utilized and proven successful. Therefore, it is essential to take note of precautions and guidelines before settling for a given treatment procedure.

Home care procedures can also be carried out to counter periodontal complications. People should employ the use of soft bristled brushes when cleaning teeth. Hard ones cause injuries and discomfort to the gums. While at it, the gum line needs to be carefully cleaned since it is the area where plague tends to accumulate. Replacing your toothbrush after every four months or after realizing that bristles have become weak is also mandatory.

Dentists recommend the use of optimal cleaning toothpaste. In addition to that, they can also prescribe an antibacterial mouth wash. This helps in reducing bacteria in the mouth. Flossing can also be done twice a day. The floss needs to be slid in between two teeth and wiggle it up and down, back and forth severally. One should floss all the way to the gums and care be taken not to cause any discomfort while at it. The entire process should take at least two minutes.

Baking soda has also proved a good incentive for preventing gum diseases. This is because to it helps in neutralizing acids in the mouth hence lessening the chances of tooth decay. When using it, warm water and a small amount of the product is mixed to form paste. The paste is then used for brushing the teeth. Another option is the use of vitamin D fixes. These include sunflower seeds and cold liver oil. They help in healing swollen gums and preventing the condition from recurring.

Individuals who experience oral health problems should thereby make a visit to the medical practitioners in due time. Ignoring the signs and symptoms may lead to more advanced levels of periodontal diseases. Such instances prevent the person from maintaining a healthy smile.

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