jeudi 11 juin 2015

Brain Injuries And Neuropsychologist In NYC

By April Briggs

When people have brain trauma or they need to be tested in this way, they will need to contact someone who is specialized. A neuropsychologist in NYC will be able to assist with the problem because they are trained and experienced in that particular area. They will talk to the patient and they will also give them a series of tests.

A neuropsychologist is someone that is trained and experienced to know how a patient with brain injuries behaves. They will know whether someone is severely affected and they will also know whether the person is able to carry on working and have a life where this sort of thing will not affect them in any way. However, they also need to prove this with tests.

Short term and long term memory is tested because one needs to have this in place in order to function on a day to day basis. This will also help in all areas in a person's life. It will help on a social level as well as professional level. One needs to know what someone has told you about a project or the name of someone, otherwise it could affect your job.

Intelligence is needed to be able to get by mostly in every type of job and one will not be considered to find any type of promotion or land a job because this may be a problem. If this is severe then people could be forced to stay at home. For those who have been affected badly, they may not know how to care for others, or even themselves.

There are also people who have been affected over many years. This can relate to epileptics, for example. They may have temporal lobe epilepsy and decide that they want to have an operation to remove that part of the brain. The psychologist will have to work with the neurosurgeon, making sure there are no complications in place.

When speaking, one can also assess the patient on intelligence, but they should be given a written piece of information that they can fill out for this as well. There are different levels to this as well. One can be affected with a brain injury and still hold down a good job. They may even have a business of their own. However, they may struggle with various emotional and personality problems.

One of these psychologists often works closely with a neurologist or a neurosurgeon. This is why they can be contacted in New York, NY if you are looking to work with one and want to find out more about being tested. Often a neurosurgeon will send their patients to a neuropsychologist for further testing to make sure the brain is in good working order.

You may find that it is likely for the psychologist to refer you to someone else who deals exclusively in the clinical field. When someone has just had an operation for a brain tumor, for example, they will need psychological treatment. This is important so they can get back on track and fit in with the real world again. There are specialized people who will help in different fields and a neuropsychologist will have all of these contacts.

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