samedi 20 juin 2015

An Interest In Having Teeth Whitening Andover

By Freida Michael

The first thing most people will notice when you talk is your teeth and during interactions, your smile. It is expected to be beautiful and most times flawless. However this is not always the case. This makes teeth whitening Andover become a subject of interest today. This is a procedure people will go through to try and get the look they feel suits them.

A lot of situations lead to teeth discoloration. There is the issue of aging. As you grow older, there will be some slight change in how your pearly whites look. Some particular medication can also lead to this. Other popular substances that lead to this situation include coffee and cigarettes. People with fluorosis evidently have discolored teeth.

A check up from an Andover dentist is important before you are able to go for this procedure. Whitening mostly works well with stains that are found on the surface. A dental exam will help determine whether you are a perfect candidate for this. A patient is made known of results to expect. Not every visit to the dentist will make your yellow teeth end up white.

After the exam is taken a lot will be discovered about a person. If they have an issue of sensitivity, whitening is not an experience that they will be able to handle. Receding gums always leave a hint of yellow behind and this cannot be altered. A person with gum disease or a worn enamel should not consider doing this dental treatment.

This procedure occurs in two fold. There is the type referred to as vital and another one referred to as non-vital. The latter procedure is specific to those who have had a root canal done. It works on improving the appearance of teeth from the inside. A whitening agent is normally placed inside the tooth. The next move involves having a temporary filling fixed.

The other method is normally for ordinary cases. When it is being done some sort of oil will be applied on the inside of your mouth. This helps prevent any sort of irritation that could come up. Hydrogen peroxide could be among the agents used to perfect your dentition. The use of light may be important in making it work efficiently.

Light will be used to illuminate the area inside your mouth as the tooth are examined. The dentist will look at each area of the teeth and this will make it easier to know how to work with your situation. Most times patients are always asked to use mouthpieces. These are fitted material that is made in the shape of your teeth to help work on them.

For this piece to work, you will have to keep it in contact with your dentition. The closer the better. It should be worn for several hours within a day. While at home, you will be required to put the special gel on the mouthpiece before putting it on. This procedure is not permanent. You will have to keep visiting the dentist so as to keep up the look.

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