lundi 16 février 2015

Some Advantages Of Telehealth Solutions

By Katina Brady

By finding new ways and technologies to accomplish things in health care the modern system improves. Those living in Lawrence, KS will find that there are many advantages to telehealth solutions. Some that come to mind:

Patients with chronic health concerns may need constant monitoring and when that is the case they may be admitted to a care facility. While this is a reasonable way of dealing with the need for monitoring, the same level of monitoring can be achieved by monitoring them remotely which allows them to stay in their homes avoiding any anxiety about staying in a facility.

Over the long term costs to the patient will be less. Monitoring patients in their own home allows them to spend significantly less than they would if they were admitted to a hospital. This makes it possible for them to get the care they need.

There will be fewer emergency room visits from patients. There are many health issues that can be alarming enough to send a patient to the emergency room that can be simply and quickly treated in home with proper aid and advice from medical trained professionals, this will save time spent in the emergency room.

Clinical work flow will be reduced. Doctors can monitor and access the progress of their patients remotely without having to book office visits. This benefits the patient who will receive closer monitoring from their doctor who will be better able to understand their current condition. It also benefits the doctor who will be able to use his office hours more efficiently and see a greater number of patients.

The number of patients re-admitted to the hospital will decrease. When patients are monitored remotely they will follow doctors prescription more closely which will help their condition to begin to improve. Also when they are followed closely any change in a patient's condition can be noticed and treated promptly before it becomes necessary to return to the hospital.

The quality of life that patients experience will improve. Having a chronic illness means that the patient will have many appointments to travel to, so by allowing them to be monitored remotely through the phone line they will have less time spent at appointments. Less time traveling to visit doctors gives patients more time to spend doing activities that they enjoy and bring them satisfaction.

The level of patient compliance will improve. The more frequent monitoring made possible with remote health monitoring will tend to encourage patients to be on top of their medical requirements, remembering to take pills and following doctors orders. Things like following suggested exercise routines and refraining from alcohol or tobacco will also improve.

The level of patient self-care and education will increase. This system of remote health care allows patients to take more control of their own conditions and treatment. They learn more about what their condition is and what they need to do to care for themselves. Once they understand their condition and what is required of them their outcomes will improve.

The chances of patient mortality will decrease. Due to close monitoring, any change in the patient's condition can be recognized promptly and dealt with before it gets too bad. To the patients, their families and their doctors this is a real and alarming concern but with this level of monitoring much can be prevented.

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