samedi 10 janvier 2015

What You Should Know About Ebola Protection

By Enid Hinton

Ebola virus is a rare and deadly viral illness that affects humans. There have been numerous reports of its occurrence especially in the West Africa making many tourists avoid this area. The 2014 Ebola epidemic is reported to be the largest in history. This makes people desperate for the various methods of Ebola protection available. Everybody wants to be safe from this fatal disease.

People can get this disease from wild animals. After a human gets it, it is quite easy for him or her to spread it to others. This normally occurs through contact. However, this is only in the case of fluids such as blood. A person infected is the only one who can spread this. Ebola is not airborne and it is not evident that it can be spread through sneezing.

A person that is ill with this virus will develop fever. They will also have a sore throat as well as intense muscle weakness. These are the first symptoms that one will have. These symptoms can be noticed after the incubation period of the disease. Other symptoms include stomach pain as well as an impaired kidney together with liver function. The person then bleeds internally.

Look for any way that can ensure your safety. Do not take any risks. Ensuring you maintain proper hygiene practices can go a long way. Wash your hands every time after handling different things. Items of the patient should not be handled casually and by just anyone. For this reason you should try your best and avoid touching them.

Burial rituals that involve contact with the dead body should be avoided as they are risky. Do not ingest raw meat from animals as they can be agents of this disease. Those individuals who look after the health of those infected are definitely at risk. They are always in the same area as these people and they work with them every day.

Health workers are expected to wear appropriate personal protective equipment. This is to prevent splashes or contact other infected materials. They should also wear face protection when in close contact with infected patients. Moreover they are expected to avoid direct and unprotected contact of bodies of people who have died from this disease.

When you suspect that you may have any symptoms that seem like they are for Ebola, seek immediate medical attention. You should also limit your contact with other people until when you are going to see a doctor. Avoid travelling anywhere unless you are heading towards a healthcare facility. It is also advisable to avoid hospitals where these patients are being treated.

Always make sure you take care of anything that exposes your flesh. This can be a way through which infected body fluids can get into your system. Some people have gotten this killer disease and survived through it. They then become immune to it for a while. Scientists are looking for suitable ways to take care of this disease, eventually for good.

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