lundi 19 janvier 2015

How To Get The Best Sleep With A Chicago Sleep Medicine Center

By Andreas Paschar

If you are tossing and turning every night instead of sleeping, your quality of life and overall health are at risk. The human body needs enough rest to function properly throughout the day, and failing to get it can lead to a severe lack of energy, heart disease, depression or other health problems. If you need help falling or staying asleep, the professionals working at Chicago sleep centers can help.

Insomnia is something that most people will deal with at some point during their lives. Stress is the leading cause of intermittent insomnia. For most people, the condition will pass as soon as the crisis is over. When insomnia is a chronic problem, it could indicate a serious health condition.

People with occasional insomnia can usually get relief by practicing relaxation techniques or taking certain medications. Many patients with chronic insomnia respond well to cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT. CBT empowers patients to manage their symptoms.

A common disorder is apnea, which is a condition that interrupts the breathing pattern and often causes snoring. Sometimes the pause lasts just a couple of seconds, but in more severe cases, the individual may not breathe for minutes at a time. A CPAP machine is a device that keeps the airway open by gently pushing air through a facemask.

Local facilities provide outpatient services for people who have trouble sleeping. Sometimes these centers are located inside hospitals or large medical clinics. Physicians working in these centers have special training, allowing them to identify various sleeping disorders.

Sophisticated laboratories within these facilities have bedrooms where physicians can conduct individual studies on patients. Study results offer insight into what is causing the individual's inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. If you find that you have difficulty sleeping through the night, the professionals working in a local center can provide help.

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