samedi 22 octobre 2016

The Importance Of Nexplanon Removal

By Carl Reynolds

Reproductive health is important for overall wellness because it determines fertility in the future when you are planning on getting children.Women are more cautious about their health, and they normally use birth control methods to delay pregnancy.The insert is not meant to last forever, and it can be removed at any time.The article below will explore the benefits of nexplanon removal.

The item is a small stick that is surgically inserted in a part of the upper arm, and it contains etonogestrel, the synthetic form of hormone progesterone which is responsible for preventing pregnancy. The stick does the same by releasing small amounts of the hormone in the bloodstream, and it prevents the release of eggs from the ovaries hence no pregnancy.

The synthetic hormones affect the integrity of the cervix by increasing the amount of mucus around the region.The section thus thickens making the passage of sperms to the eggs difficult, and the woman cannot get pregnant.The insert should be put in by a specialized doctor.If you are breastfeeding, it should be put after the fourth week of birth and if not, between the first and fifth days of menstrual cycle.

It is meant to last for three years, and the main reason for the insert is to delay pregnancy until the lady is ready to handle pregnancy. However, if you decide on starting a family before the three years, this is possible as a specialized medical worker will advise on removing it. The conception time will, however, be delayed as the body is accepting the new change.

A few days after the operation, many side effects follow as the body is trying to accept the new item. For some, the effects will last for a short time, but there are extreme cases where they last for weeks.They include muscle stiffness, delayed or no menses, nausea, headaches, tiredness, lack of appetite and general body weakness.It is advisable to get the insert removed if you get the effects for long.

Hormone release is slow, and after some years, the amount left will be microscopic.The amount will not prevent pregnancy if it is too little than what the body needs.This is the case after the expiration date is reached. The stick will have no effect in the body and pregnancy may occur.Do not put back a stick into the arm but rather get the old one removed.

Inserting the stick depends on the weight and for those who are heavy;the insert may not function for the expected three years because the release of hormones is fast and very little will be left after the third year.Obese patients should visit the clinic for substitution of the implant with a new one.

Removal should not be done by anyone, and that is why you need to choose a qualified doctor from a recognized facility.It is a short surgical process, and the doctors without skills might remove it badly, and complications may follow.An expert will know how to handle the problems and also recommend other contraceptives.Therefore, for your safety, invest in the learned doctors.

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