mercredi 6 janvier 2016

Holistic Medicine Charlotte NC: Answer To Full Recovery

By Dennis Hamilton

The mainstream medicine focuses on the physical body, but the truth is that we are more than physical bodies; we are sentient beings, living in a diverse and complex social structure. A holistic healing approach considers all realms of existence. This is not achieved achievable through the conventional treatment methods largely involving drugs and sophisticated treatment methods. The holistic medicine Charlotte NC goes to the root cause of the illness while involving the whole being as a part of treatment.

This is a healing approach where the conventional treatment is complemented with alternative healing methods. The holistic approach goes beyond the physical symptoms and focuses on pinpointing and treatment of the root-cause of the problem. The method is used to treat several chronic illnesses, complement the conventional treatment methods and focus on a total lifestyle change by encouraging proper balanced diet, good nutrition, routine and adequate exercises, and spiritual, emotional and mental well-being.

In this approach, the patient plays the central role in the treatment and healing process, in contrasts to the conventional method where a doctor takes the main role while the patient only follows the instructions. As a result, the healing tends to be long-lasting, and the patient's health is treated as a whole, not separately.

The physical body is affected by physical and non-physical factors such as mental well-being, nutrition, and fitness all working with one another. It is a complex system and when one part stop functioning optimally, other parts get affected, hence the need to offer treatment holistically.

The holistic treatment has been praised by patients suffering from ovarian cancer. It totally eliminates cancer while exposing the patient to less pain. The patient also records and improved health at the same time when the growth of cysts is reduced.

After going through a traumatizing experience in life or when undergoing treatment of chronic conditions like cancer or surgery procedure, the use of drugs like painkillers does not offer the recovery. There is a need for counseling, observing proper diet that supply the required nutrients in the required amount and maintaining a certain level of physical and mental activity to attain full recovery.

Fortunately, several people recognize this, and several movements are coming up to promote the role of alternative medicine in maintaining a healthy society. The movements exist in relationships, health and awareness centers, churches, schools, small community settings and within the families.

It works for both chronic conditions like cancers as well as non-chronic conditions like common cold. After going through painful procedures like surgery, the patients are taken through this treatment process to help speed up the recovery time.

In holistic medicine located in Charlotte, NC the approach takes into account the fact that healing takes place in many angles. As such, the patients are treated mentally, physically, nutritionally, spiritually, emotionally, socially, and environmentally. This helps patients recover faster and fully from most chronic diseases including cancers, chronic fatigue, asthma, fibromyalgia, and nerve disorders.

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