jeudi 6 novembre 2014

Basic Facts Regarding Ebola Protection

By Christa Jarvis

Ebola is a viral disease that is spread through body fluids. It can survive in blood, mucus semen, saliva and even sweat. While a number of vaccines are at different phases of clinical trials, none has been approved for use in humans. The only way of ensuring that you remain protected is staying away from the virus. Personal protective equipment may confer Ebola protection when used in accordance with the existing guidelines.

Personal protective equipment should be worn by persons handling infected materials. The virus is transmitted in fluids such as saliva, blood, sweat or vomit. It is important that we stay as far away from these fluids as possible. The personal protective equipment is a fully body suit that comprises a gown, face mask, medical gloves and protective eye wear. Ensure that you put on two pairs of gloves especially when handling infected sharp objects.

If you suspect that you have come into contact with an infected person, you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. A hand sanitizer may also be helpful in the event that water is a problem. This helps to reduce the risk of transmission both to you and others. Do not use items that have been used by a person suspected to be infected. Places that have been used by persons with the disease should be hosed down before they can be reused.

If you have items that need to be re-used then proper disinfection and sterilization are necessary. Chlorine bleach is effective for needles and other sharps. The sharps should be soaked for at least thirty seconds in the bleach. Bleach solution is also effective in cleaning surfaces and equipment. The process should be repeated at least twice. Heat resilient items can be sterilized by boiling for about twenty minutes.

People who die from Ebola remain infectious for a long period of time. The virus feeds on the tissues until the whole body has decomposed. This means that careful disposal of corpses is required. Any death that is suspected to be a result of Ebola should be reported to the local department of public health. There should be no direct contact whatsoever.

Other animals other than human beings have also been shown to be hosts of the virus. Some of the well known animals that are commonly infected include fruit eating bats in the tropical rainforests and non-human primates. It is widely believed that the first infection in humans originated from these hosts. Any fluids and tissues from these animals may transmit the illness and should be avoided.

If you have a history of recent travel to a place with confirmed cases of the virus, you need to monitor yourself. Look out for an increase in your body temperature that may suggest a fever. The virus usually takes a couple of days to incubate. If you experience such a fever with or without any of the following symptoms: abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle pains, headache or unexplained bleeding, go the hospital immediately.

To control the Ebola outbreak, there is a need to have a well coordinated surveillance system that helps in early disease detection and prompt intervention. This is the only way that will help interrupt disease transmission. Persons with confirmed disease should be isolated for treatment. Only properly trained medical personnel should attend to them.

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