jeudi 27 novembre 2014

Guide To Duodenal Switch Surgery In Mexico

By Christa Jarvis

Emergency medicine covers any disease in its acute phase, defined as an injury or illness that pose an immediate threat to life of a person and whose attendance cannot be delayed. Any response to an emergency will depend heavily on the situation, the patient and the availability of resources to assist you (duodenal switch surgery in Mexico). It will also vary depending on whether the emergency occurs in a hospital under medical care, or out of a hospital (eg on the street), in this case we speak of prehospital medicine.

Canada and the United States, centered on the patient's need definition used instead: for example, an emergency is defined as any perception of an emergency by a person, may risk endangering its survival or survival a member. With thanks to project start HOPE Medicine in Costa Rica is a growing specialty that gradually strong positions in various health centers around the country.

Those trained to perform first aid can act within limits of their knowledge, while waiting for the next level of support. Those who can not perform first aid can also help by staying calm and being with the injured or ill person. A common complaint of emergency services personnel is the propensity of people to accumulate around the victim and the scene of accident, which usually does not help the patient stresses (which can hurt a lot), and obstructs smooth functioning of emergency services.

For citizens, an emergency is a sudden and unexpected situation that threatens the life of person. However, some situations are impressive indeed benign, and others go unnoticed as they are alarming; for example, some signs of myocardial infarction or stroke may seem benign. This underlines the importance of counseling and guidance services medicosanitary emergency regulation (such as the ambulance). And early detection of risk situations by private physician or by patient himself or his entourage. This emphasizes the importance of first aid training, where they learn to recognize the warning signs and to address the regulatory services (call, in what situations, and what to say).

Within a hospital staff is generally adequate to meet this average emergency. The accident and emergency physicians are trained to handle most emergency and maintain certifications in CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and ALS (Advanced Life Support). In disasters most hospitals have protocols to quickly summon the staff and the service is not.

Buddy Military Medical developed the first medical triage criteria. Here, the sick and wounded arriving at the military field hospital Suippes (France, World War I) are oriented towards sorting. In case of mass influx, those most likely to be saved are prioritized by surgeons, doctors and nurses. Less severe or too severe cases are put on hold.

In Argentina, the SAE (Society of Emergency Argentina) is the main organization of emergency medicine. There are several programs in medicine residency. It is also possible to achieve certification as a specialist in medicine certifying a number of years of medical care and attending a university graduate school.

In addition to general medical and specialized skills implemented in context of medicine are the anesthetics: a number of problems can occur under anesthesia (especially due to anesthesia), for example during an operation or a medical examination; but the treatment of urgency is also frequently use anesthesia (to allow painful care or causing reflex rejection) and resuscitation (maintenance and restoration of vital functions).

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