samedi 10 décembre 2016

The Many Benefits That Comes With Movement Therapy

By Deborah Olson

There are a lot of people who go through physical and mental stress every single day due to numerous reasons and factors. This is why there are also a good number of people who seek professional help in order to be able to undergo therapy which can help them improve their lifestyles and state of mind. Likewise, a variety of therapy has also been developed which would cater to these kinds of needs.

All of these therapies aim for the same things such as to improve your mental and physical health in order for you to lead a better life. One of the many therapies available right now is the dance or movement therapy Carmel CA which makes use of dancing as a form of therapeutic movement. Such helps in the integration of cognitive, emotional, physical, as well as social achievement.

And while many individuals mistake it for regular dancing, it is proven to be on a different level of such. This is because it incorporates various elements in dancing such as emotional expressions, non verbal behaviors, and body language into some sort of language that needs to be translated in order to figure out the state of being of the patient. Because of this very delicate and specific objective, it is associated with multitudinous benefits which you will discover in the paragraphs that will follow.

While many individuals are open and very expressive in terms of what and how they feel, most people who enroll in DMT do not share the same behavior. However, in the therapy, they will be able to do this through the aid of music which will allow them to reminisce or associate it with the past and then channel it to the way they dance. Honesty in facial expressions movements will reveal what the person is trying to convey.

Dancing is a form of physical exercise and such exercises help relieve an individual of stress. In DMT it does not only relieve physical but also emotional stress especially because the patients are encouraged to relate their gestures to how they feel at that very moment. This gives them the opportunity to put down whatever it may be that they are carrying which is affecting their well being.

Of course, with all the movement, there is going to be a development in gross motor skills and an increase in physical fitness. Warm ups are done in order to get the blood circulating, increase heart rate, and avoid straining the muscles. The different dance styles that can be incorporated likewise encourage improvements such as muscle growth and good posture.

The patients will also develop a sense of belonging which can greatly affect their confidence as well as self esteem. They will be part of a group that will give them the opportunity to socialize and discover people outside of the dynamics they have always been used to. This poses a positive environment that is good for the wellbeing of the patients.

Finally, patients have the opportunity to create and imagine especially in controlled sessions where they are asked to make specific gestures, for instance swimming in the ocean or floating in space. Instructors may even appoint specific emotions for the class to ponder on. Such does a powerful impact in their mental as well as emotional health.

The truth is that everybody is struggling to fight their own demons and win their own battles. This is the reason that you need to save yourself because nobody is going to do it for you. Focus on things that will better, not batter you.

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