vendredi 19 août 2016

You Will Be Glad You Gave Soy Products For Menopause Relief A Shot

By Lewis Fernandez

When confronted with a medical problem such as female menopause, it is difficult to know which route one should take to treat the problem. A big question on everyone's lips is will the treatment be effective against all of the symptoms your body is faced with. Many women in society today turn to the more holistic and natural methods for treatments and find benefits from using soy products for hot flashes.

When considering which route to take in the medication aisle, all aspects of the treatment should be considered. From a pharmaceutical avenue, there are the Hormone Replacement Treatments or HRTs as they are commonly known. These replace the Estrogen which is no longer being produced by the body.

Many studies throughout the world have linked soy products to digestive distress, malnutrition, immune system breakdown, thyroid problems, and the list goes on, even as far a cancer and heart disease. A big reason to be cautious in any treatments involving Soy products is that in the modern world, 90% of the plantations of soy beans which are the base product for many soy end foods, have been Genetically modified. Especially in the United States and countries receiving UN food and seed parcels.

The first steps, start taking in lots and lots of water, this will naturally start a cleansing process. Your body is in distress and needs clarity to start to work better, while you cannot stop the change in the cells, you can assist the symptoms. Secondly, some physicians and dietitians feel that consuming Soy twice daily helps in reducing the hot flushes sometimes experienced in menopause.

The goods are used in different applications but form the base of many soy foods, Miso, is a fermented Soy Bean past, used as a flavoring, it is a great source of many minerals the body requires. Tempeh - an Indonesian specialty made by cooking and dehulling soya beans to form a textured cake, which is solid in form and containing protein, vitamin B, and minerals. Todu - known as Curd, made using Soya milk mixed with soy proteins, calcium or magnesium salts, once the whey is settled and removed the curds are formed producing iron, calcium and a good protein source.

In China the Soy bean plant has been cultivated for centuries, and is an essential crop for the ancient Chinese. It was regarded as a necessity for life. In many other regions of the world it has been regarded only suitable for animal feed. Throughout the world the marked increase for foods have prompted the developing of many dairy products. They include Soya milk, sausages, cheese and soya- based yogurts.

Coral Calcium is a very specific product derived from the coral off of the Japanese coast; islands along the coast provide this composition of Coral which is identical to the human skeleton. It maintains a balance between Acid / Alkaline and is therefore Vital to bring back the correct PH to your body. This coral has enormous health benefits during this difficult time of a women's life.

Many more women today are opting for a healthier alternative to modern medicine. Treating the symptoms of Female Menopause with Soy products seems to be the way to go. Consult your dietitian or doctor before making these dietary choices.

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